Adian Keaveney from Durham, BS Applied Physics, BS Mathematics, and current MS Engineering Physics, presented his poster "Modeling the Effects of Object-Induced Turbulence Enhancement of Seafloor Object Scour and Burial" at the 2024 Ocean Sciences meeting in New Orleans, LA. Aidan and his co-authors, fellow graduate students Nick Mencis and Joshua McNeill, work with Dr. Chris Thaxton in the Applied Physics Lab (, all of which received research funds in 2023 from the Naval Research Laboratory. Aidan's work was very well received by the international group of scientists and engineers striving to better understand and model seafloor processes. Aidan's work will lead to improved predictive modeling of the response of seafloor objects, such as unexploded ordnance, instrumentation platforms, and infrastructure to wave and current forcing in support of U.S. Navy mission commanders and site managers. Aidan will start working on his Law degree at George Washington University in Washington DC this Fall.